In order to spread awareness about the commodity derivatives market and educate different sections about this emerging segment of the market, NICR organizes and participates in various training programmes. The programmes are organized in association with educational institutes, corporates, co-operatives, research organizations, and non-governmental organisations, etc. The training sessions focus on theoretical understanding of the concepts and procedures along with the simulated trading sessions.
NICR participated in the training programme organized by the Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) on "Market-led Extension through Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture" at Delhi. The session on Commodity Futures provided an overview of the emerging derivative segment of the commodity market. It explained how different market participants- producer, consumer, trader, and an investor can participate through the online trading platform and take advantage of the price risk management. The programme was attended by a large number of senior and middle-level officers of agriculture and allied departments from 14 different states of India.
NICR participated in the training programme organized by the Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) on "Market-led Extension through Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture" at Delhi. The session on Commodity Futures provided an overview of the emerging derivative segment of the commodity market. It explained how different market participants- producer, consumer, trader, and an investor can participate through the online trading platform and take advantage of the price risk management. The programme was attended by a large number of senior and middle-level officers of agriculture and allied departments from 14 different states of India.